Feature (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic: Tall buildings were a new feature on the skyline.
  2. something offered as a special attraction: This model has several added features.
  3. the main motion picture in a movie program: What time is the feature?
  4. any part of the face, as the nose, chin, or eyes: prominent features.
  5. the face; countenance: to compose one's features for the photographers.
  6. the form or cast of the face: delicate of feature.
  7. a column, cartoon, etc., appearing regularly in a newspaper or magazine.
  8. feature story.
  9. make, form, or shape.
verb (used with object), fea·tured, fea·tur·ing.
  1. to be a feature or distinctive mark of: It was industrial expansion that featured the last century.
  2. to make a feature of; give prominence to: to feature a story or picture in a newspaper.
  3. to delineate the main characteristics of; depict; outline.
  4. to conceive of; imagine; fancy: He couldn't quite feature himself as a bank president.
  5. to resemble in features; favor.
verb (used without object), fea·tured, fea·tur·ing.
  1. to play a major part.
  1. any one of the parts of the face, such as the nose, chin, or mouth
  2. a prominent or distinctive part or aspect, as of a landscape, building, book, etc
  3. the principal film in a programme at a cinema
  4. an item or article appearing regularly in a newspaper, magazine, etc
  5. a prominent story in a newspaper, etc
  6. a programme given special prominence on radio or television as indicated by attendant publicity
  7. an article offered for sale as a special attraction, as in a large retail establishment
  8. general form or make-up
  9. a quality of a linguistic unit at some level of description
  1. to have as a feature or make a feature of
  2. to give prominence to (an actor, famous event, etc) in a film or (of an actor, etc) to have prominence in a film
  3. to imagine; consider
Feature (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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