Fellow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a man or boy: a fine old fellow; a nice little fellow.
  2. beau; suitor: Mary had her fellow over to meet her folks.
  3. person; one: They don't treat a fellow very well here.
  4. a person of small worth or no esteem.
  5. a companion; comrade; associate: They have been fellows since childhood.
  6. a person belonging to the same rank or class; equal; peer: The doctor conferred with his fellows.
  7. one of a pair; mate; match: a shoe without its fellow.
  8. Education.
    • a graduate student of a university or college to whom an allowance is granted for special study.
    • an incorporated member of a college, entitled to certain privileges.
    • a member of the corporation or board of trustees of certain universities or colleges.
  9. a member of any of certain learned societies: a fellow of the British Academy.
  10. a partner.
verb (used with object)
  1. to make or represent as equal with another.
  2. to produce a fellow to; match.
  1. belonging to the same class or group; united by the same occupation, interests, etc.; being in the same condition: fellow students; fellow sufferers.
  1. a man or boy
  2. an informal word for boyfriend
  3. one or oneself
  4. a person considered to be of little importance or worth
    • a companion; comrade; associate
    • (as modifier)
  5. (at Oxford and Cambridge universities) a member of the governing body of a college, who is usually a member of the teaching staff
  6. a member of the governing body or established teaching staff at any of various universities or colleges
  7. a postgraduate student employed, esp for a fixed period, to undertake research and, often, to do some teaching
    • a person in the same group, class, or condition
    • (as modifier)
  8. one of a pair; counterpart; mate
  1. a member of any of various learned societies
Fellow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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