Fibula (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural fib·u·lae [fib-yuh-lee], /ˈfɪb yəˌli/, fib·u·las.
  1. the outer and thinner of the two bones of the human leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.
  2. a corresponding bone, often rudimentary or ankylosed with the tibia, of the leg or hind limb of an animal.
  3. a clasp or brooch, often ornamented, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
noun plural -lae (-ˌliː) or -las
  1. the outer and thinner of the two bones between the knee and ankle of the human leg
  2. the corresponding bone in other vertebrates
  3. a metal brooch resembling a safety pin, often highly decorated, common in Europe after 1300 bc
Plural fibulae (fĭbyə-lē′) fibulas
    Fibula (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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