Final (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. pertaining to or coming at the end; last in place, order, or time: the final meeting of the year.
  2. ultimate: The final goal is world peace.
  3. conclusive or decisive: a final decision.
  4. constituting the end or purpose: a final result.
  5. pertaining to or expressing the end or purpose: a final clause.
  6. Law.
    • precluding further controversy on the questions passed upon: The judicial determination of the Supreme Court is final.
    • determining all issues presented, so that no further decision upon the merits of the issues is necessary:a final judgment or decree.
  7. occurring at the end of a word or syllable, as the (t) sound in bit or bite.
  1. that which is last; that which forms an end or termination.
  2. Often finals.
    • the last and decisive game, match, contest, or round in a series, as in sports.
    • the last, usually comprehensive, examination in a course of study.
  3. the last edition of a newspaper published on any day.
  4. the tonic note of a church mode.
  1. of or occurring at the end; concluding; ultimate; last
  2. having no possibility for further discussion, action, or change; conclusive; decisive
  3. relating to or constituting an end or purpose
  4. at the end of a word
  5. music another word for perfect (def. 9b)
  1. a terminal or last thing; end
  2. a deciding contest between the winners of previous rounds in a competition
  3. the tonic note of a church mode
Final (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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