Flagellum (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural fla·gel·la [fluh-jel-uh], /fləˈdʒɛl ə/, fla·gel·lums.
  1. a long, lashlike appendage serving as an organ of locomotion in protozoa, sperm cells, etc.
  2. a runner.
  3. (in an antenna) the whiplike portion above the basal joints.
  4. a whip or lash.
noun plural -la (-lə) or -lums
  1. a long whiplike outgrowth from a cell that acts as an organ of locomotion: occurs in some protozoans, gametes, spores, etc
  2. a long thin supple shoot or runner
  3. the terminal whiplike part of an arthropod's appendage, esp of the antenna of many insects
Plural flagella
    Flagellum (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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