Flash (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a brief, sudden burst of bright light: a flash of lightning.
  2. a sudden, brief outburst or display of joy, wit, etc.
  3. a very brief moment; instant: I'll be back in a flash.
  4. flashlight (def. 1).
  5. superficial, meretricious, or vulgar showiness; ostentatious display.
  6. news flash.
  7. Photography.
  8. the sudden flame or intense heat produced by a bomb or other explosive device.
  9. a sudden thought, insight, inspiration, or vision.
  10. rush1 (def. 24).
  11. Metallurgy.
    • a ridge of metal left on a casting by a seam between parts of the mold.
    • a ridge formed at the edge of a forging or weld where excess metal has been squeezed out.
  12. a hand containing all five suits in a game played with a five-suit pack.
  13. a device, as a lock or sluice, for confining and releasing water to send a boat down a shallow stream.
  14. the rush of water thus produced.
  15. hot flash.
  16. the cant or jargon of thieves, vagabonds, etc.
verb (used without object)
  1. to break forth into sudden flame or light, especially transiently or intermittently: a buoy flashing in the distance.
  2. to gleam.
  3. to burst suddenly into view or perception: The answer flashed into his mind.
  4. to move like a flash.
  5. to speak or behave with sudden anger, outrage, or the like (often followed by out): to flash out at a stupid remark.
  6. to break into sudden action.
  7. to open one's clothes and expose the genitals suddenly, and usually briefly, in public.
  8. to experience the intense effects of a narcotic or stimulant drug.
  9. to dash or splash, as the sea or waves.
  10. to make a flash or sudden display.
verb (used with object)
  1. to emit or send forth (fire or light) in sudden flashes.
  2. to cause to flash, as powder by ignition or a sword by waving.
  3. to send forth like a flash.
  4. to communicate instantaneously, as by radio or telegraph.
  5. to make an ostentatious display of: He's forever flashing a large roll of bills.
  6. to display suddenly and briefly: She flashed her ID card at the guard.
  7. to change (water) instantly into steam by pouring or directing onto a hot surface.
  8. to increase the flow of water in (a river, channel, etc.).
  9. Glassmaking and Ceramics.
    • to coat (plain glass or a glass or ceramic object) with a layer of colored, opalescent, or white glass.
    • to apply (such a layer).
    • to color or make (glass) opaque by reheating.
  10. to protect from leakage with flashing.
  11. to expose (a card) in the process of dealing.
  12. to dash or splash (water).
  1. happening suddenly and usually lasting a short time:a flash storm.
  2. very brief, fast, or short: flash freezing of vegetables;flash poetry and fiction.
  3. showy or ostentatious.
  4. caused by or used as protection against flash from an explosive device: flash injuries; flash clothing.
  5. counterfeit or sham.
  6. relating to or using flash memory: a flash drive.
  7. of or relating to followers of boxing, racing, etc.
  8. belonging to or connected with thieves, vagabonds, etc., or their cant or jargon.
  1. flash in the pan,
    • a brief, intense effort that produces no really significant result.
    • a person who makes such an effort; one who enjoys short-lived success.
  2. flash on, Slang.
    • to have a sudden thought, insight, or inspiration about.
    • to have a sudden, vivid memory or mental picture of: I just flashed on that day we spent at the lake.
    • to feel an instantaneous understanding and appreciation of.
  1. a precedence code for handling messages about initial enemy contact or operational combat messages of extreme urgency within the U.S. military.
  1. a sudden short blaze of intense light or flame
  2. a sudden occurrence or display, esp one suggestive of brilliance
  3. a very brief space of time
  4. an ostentatious display
  5. a short news announcement concerning a new event
  6. an insignia or emblem worn on a uniform, vehicle, etc, to identify its military formation
  7. a patch of bright colour on a dark background, such as light marking on an animal
  8. a volatile mixture of inorganic salts used to produce a glaze on bricks or tiles
    • a sudden rush of water down a river or watercourse
    • a device, such as a sluice, for producing such a rush
  9. photog informal short for flashlight (def. 2), flash photography
  10. a ridge of thin metal or plastic formed on a moulded object by the extrusion of excess material between dies
  11. a pond, esp one produced as a consequence of subsidence
  12. involving, using, or produced by a flash of heat, light, etc
  13. a project, person, etc, that enjoys only short-lived success, notoriety, etc
  1. ostentatious or vulgar
  2. of or relating to gamblers and followers of boxing and racing
  3. sham or counterfeit
  4. relating to or characteristic of the criminal underworld
  5. brief and rapid
  1. to burst or cause to burst suddenly or intermittently into flame
  2. to emit or reflect or cause to emit or reflect light suddenly or intermittently
  3. to move very fast
  4. to come rapidly (into the mind or vision)
  5. to appear like a sudden light
    • to signal or communicate very fast
    • to signal by use of a light, such as car headlights
  6. to display ostentatiously
  7. to show suddenly and briefly
  8. to expose oneself indecently
  9. to cover (a roof) with flashing
  10. to send a sudden rush of water down (a river, etc), or to carry (a vessel) down by this method
  11. (in the making of glass) to coat (glass) with a thin layer of glass of a different colour
  12. to subject to a brief pulse of heat or radiation
  13. to change (a liquid) to a gas by causing it to hit a hot surface
  14. to splash or dash (water)
Flash (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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