Flipper (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a broad, flat limb, as of a seal or whale, especially adapted for swimming.
  2. one of a pair of paddlelike devices, usually of rubber, worn on the feet as an aid in scuba diving and swimming.
  3. a narrow flat hinged or attached at right angles to a larger flat.
  4. the hand.
  5. someone or something that flips.
  1. the flat broad limb of seals, whales, penguins, and other aquatic animals, specialized for swimming
  2. either of a pair of rubber paddle-like devices worn on the feet as an aid in swimming, esp underwater
  3. a ball bowled with backspin imparted by the action of the bowler's wrist
    Flipper (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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