Flotation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act or state of floating.
  2. the launching of a commercial venture, bond issue, loan, etc.
  3. a process for separating the different minerals in a mass of powdered ore based on their tendency to sink in, or float on, a given liquid.
  4. the science of floating bodies.
    • the launching or financing of a commercial enterprise by bond or share issues
    • the raising of a loan or new capital by bond or share issues
  1. power or ability to float; buoyancy
  2. a process to concentrate the valuable ore in low-grade ores. The ore is ground to a powder, mixed with water containing surface-active chemicals, and vigorously aerated. The bubbles formed trap the required ore fragments and carry them to the surface froth, which is then skimmed off
Flotation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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