Flower (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the blossom of a plant: She picked a bunch of flowers for her mother.He always wore a flower in his lapel, usually a carnation.
  2. Botany.
    • the part of a seed plant comprising the reproductive organs and their envelopes if any, especially when such envelopes are more or less conspicuous in form and color.
    • an analogous reproductive structure in other plants, as the mosses.
  3. a plant considered with reference to its blossom or cultivated for its floral beauty: If it doesn’t rain today, I’ll need to water the flowers in the garden.
  4. an ornament or decoration representing a flower: She doesn’t like any fabric that has flowers on it.The classroom walls were decorated with cheery flowers painted by the children.
  5. an ornament or adornment: I felt like I was being told to be just a flower, but I wanted to have input and share my ideas.
  6. an ornamental piece of type, especially a stylized floral design, often used in a line to decorate chapter headings, page borders, or bindings.
  7. the choicest or finest part, member, or example: Emigration took the flower of the nation’s youth, desperate for a better life.It was a love poem, calling her “the flower of humanity” and other romantic epithets.
  8. the bud of the cannabis or hemp plant, or such buds collectively, secreting over 100 different cannabinoids: For testing purposes, you only need to bring in one cannabis flower for analysis.This is high-quality cannabis flower, with 12 to 18 percent THC.
  9. a substance in the form of a fine powder, especially as obtained by sublimation: flowers of sulfur.
verb (used without object)
  1. to produce flowers; blossom; come to full bloom: This shrub usually flowers in June.
  2. to come into full development; mature: Regular air passenger service did not flower till after World War II.
verb (used with object)
  1. to decorate with a floral design: The skirt of the dress is flowered.
  2. to cover or deck with flowers: For the wedding photos, they flowered the church steps with roses.
  1. in flower,
    • blossoming; having open blooms: Peonies were in flower.
    • in the period of finest or greatest flourishing; at the peak of development: English poetic drama was in flower during the reign of Elizabeth I.
    • a bloom or blossom on a plant
    • a plant that bears blooms or blossoms
  1. the reproductive structure of angiosperm plants, consisting normally of stamens and carpels surrounded by petals and sepals all borne on the receptacle (one or more of these structures may be absent). In some plants it is conspicuous and brightly coloured and attracts insects or other animals for pollination
  2. any similar reproductive structure in other plants
  3. the prime; peak
  4. the choice or finest product, part, or representative
  5. a decoration or embellishment
  6. a type ornament, used with others in borders, chapter headings, etc
  7. an embellishment or ornamental symbol depicting a flower
  8. fine powder, usually produced by sublimation
  1. to produce flowers; bloom
  2. to reach full growth or maturity
  3. to deck or decorate with flowers or floral designs
    Flower (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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