Forehand (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. (in tennis, squash, etc.) of, relating to, or noting a stroke made from the same side of the body as that of the hand holding the racket, paddle, etc.
  2. being in front or ahead.
  3. foremost or leading.
  4. done beforehand; given or made in advance, as a payment.
  1. (in tennis, squash, etc.) a forehand stroke.
  2. the part of a horse that is in front of the rider.
  3. the player on the dealer's left, in a game with three players.
  4. a superior or advantageous position.
  1. (in tennis, squash, etc.) with a forehand stroke.
adjective (prenominal)
  1. sport
    • (of a stroke) made with the racket held so that the wrist is facing the direction of the stroke
    • of or relating to the right side of a right-handed player or the left side of a left-handed player
  2. foremost or paramount
  3. done or given beforehand
  1. sport
    • a forehand stroke
    • the side on which such strokes are made
  2. the part of a horse in front of the saddle
  3. a frontal position
  1. with a forehand stroke
  1. to play (a shot) forehand
Forehand (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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