From (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. (used to specify a starting point in spatial movement): a train running west from Chicago.
  2. (used to specify a starting point in an expression of limits): The number of stores will be increased from 25 to 30.
  3. (used to express removal or separation, as in space, time, or order): two miles from shore;30 minutes from now;from one page to the next.
  4. (used to express discrimination or distinction): to be excluded from membership;to differ from one's father.
  5. (used to indicate source or origin): to come from the Midwest;to take a pencil from one's pocket.
  6. (used to indicate agent or instrumentality): death from starvation.
  7. (used to indicate cause or reason): From the evidence, he must be guilty.
  1. used to indicate the original location, situation, etc
  2. in a period of time starting at
  3. used to indicate the distance between two things or places
  4. used to indicate a lower amount
  5. showing the model of
  6. used with the gerund to mark prohibition, restraint, etc
  7. because of
From (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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