Frown (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object)
  1. to contract the brow, as in displeasure or deep thought; scowl.
  2. to look displeased; have an angry look.
  3. to view with disapproval; look disapprovingly (usually followed by on or upon): to frown upon a scheme.
verb (used with object)
  1. to express by a frown: to frown one's displeasure.
  2. to force or shame with a disapproving frown: to frown someone into silence.
  1. a frowning look; scowl.
  2. any expression or show of disapproval: a tax bill that received Congressional frowns.
  1. to draw the brows together and wrinkle the forehead, esp in worry, anger, or concentration
  2. to have a dislike (of); look disapprovingly (upon)
  3. to express (worry, etc) by frowning
  4. to force, silence, etc, by a frowning look
  1. the act of frowning
  2. a show of dislike or displeasure
Frown (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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