- a plot of ground, usually near a house, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated.
- a piece of ground or other space, commonly with ornamental plants, trees, etc., used as a park or other public recreation area: a public garden.
- a fertile and delightful spot or region.
- yard2 (def. 1).
- pertaining to, produced in, or suitable for cultivation or use in a garden: fresh garden vegetables; garden furniture.
- garden-variety.
- to lay out, cultivate, or tend a garden.
- to cultivate as a garden.
- to deceive or mislead in an enticing way; lead on; delude: The voters had been led up the garden path too often to take a candidate's promises seriously.
- U.S. naturalist, born in Scotland.
- U.S. soprano.
- British
- an area of land, usually planted with grass, trees, flowerbeds, etc, adjoining a house
- (as modifier)
- an area of land used for the cultivation of ornamental plants, herbs, fruit, vegetables, trees, etc
- (as modifier)
- such an area of land that is open to the public, sometimes part of a park
- a fertile and beautiful region
- (as modifier)
- provided with or surrounded by a garden or gardens
- to mislead or deceive a person
- ordinary; unexceptional
- to work in, cultivate, or take care of (a garden, plot of land, etc)
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