Ghosting (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the appearance of multiple copies or blurred representations of an object on a screen or in an image.
  2. Informal.
    • the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, often in a dating or romantic relationship:After several unanswered calls and texts to her, he concluded he’d been a victim of ghosting.
    • the act of leaving a social event or engagement suddenly and without saying goodbye:Ghosting might be the best option if we want to get home before midnight.
    • the act or practice of abandoning a job without notice and refusing further contact: A labor shortage has contributed to ghosting in the workplace.
  3. the removal of comments, threads, or other content from a website or online forum without informing the poster, keeping them hidden from the public but still visible to the poster.
  4. the act of adopting the identity of a dead person, especially someone relatively unknown, before the death has been recognized by the government, banks, etc.: Sometimes ghosting can go on for months before the crime is detected.
Ghosting (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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