Gnome (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. (in folklore) one of a species of diminutive beings, usually described as shriveled little old men, that inhabit the interior of the earth and act as guardians of its treasures; troll.
  2. an expert in monetary or financial affairs; international banker or financier: the gnomes of Zurich.
  1. a short, pithy expression of a general truth; aphorism.
  1. one of a species of legendary creatures, usually resembling small misshapen old men, said to live in the depths of the earth and guard buried treasure
  2. the statue of a gnome, esp in a garden
  3. a very small or ugly person
  4. an international banker or financier (esp in the phrase gnomes of Zürich)
  1. a short pithy saying or maxim expressing a general truth or principle
Gnome (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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