Gone (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. past participle of go1.
  1. departed; left.
  2. lost or hopeless.
  3. ruined.
  4. that has passed away; dead.
  5. past.
  6. weak and faint: a gone feeling.
  7. used up.
  8. Slang.
    • pregnant: two months gone.
    • great; outstanding.
    • exhilarated; inspired.
  1. far gone,
    • much advanced; deeply involved.
    • nearly exhausted; almost worn out.
    • dying: The rescue party finally reached the scene of the crash, but most of the survivors were already far gone.
  2. infatuated with; in love with: He is still gone on the woman who jilted him.
  1. the past participle of go 1
adjective (usually postpositive)
  1. ended; past
  2. lost; ruined (esp in the phrases gone goose or gosling)
  3. dead or near to death
  4. spent; consumed; used up
  5. faint or weak
  6. having been pregnant (for a specified time)
  7. in love (with)
  8. in an exhilarated state, as through music or the use of drugs
  9. blank and without comprehension, as if stupefied in surprise
  1. past
Gone (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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