Gouge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a chisel having a partly cylindrical blade with the bevel on either the concave or the convex side.
  2. an act of gouging.
  3. a groove or hole made by gouging.
    • an act or instance of extorting or overcharging; a swindle.
    • the amount of money extorted or overcharged:a gouge of $20 for shipping and delivery.
  4. Geology.
    • a layer of decomposed rocks or minerals found along the walls of a vein.
    • fragments of rock that have accumulated between or along the walls of a fault.
verb (used with object), gouged, goug·ing.
  1. to scoop out or turn with or as if with a gouge: to gouge a channel; to gouge holes.
  2. to dig or force out with or as if with a gouge: to gouge out an eye.
  3. to make a gouge in: to gouge one's leg.
  4. to extort from, overcharge, or swindle: drug companies that gouge consumers and the government.
verb (used without object), gouged, goug·ing.
  1. to engage in extortion, overcharging, or swindling: I bought a lot of my clothes there before they began gouging.
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to scoop or force (something) out of its position, esp with the fingers or a pointed instrument
  2. to cut (a hole or groove) in (something) with a sharp instrument or tool
  3. to extort from
  4. to dig for (opal)
  1. a type of chisel with a blade that has a concavo-convex section
  2. a mark or groove made with, or as if with, a gouge
  3. a fine deposit of rock fragments, esp clay, occurring between the walls of a fault or mineral vein
  4. extortion; swindling
Gouge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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