Gradual (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little: gradual improvement in health.
  2. rising or descending at an even, moderate inclination: a gradual slope.
  1. Ecclesiastical.(often initial capital letter)
    • an antiphon sung between the Epistle and the Gospel in the Eucharistic service.
    • a book containing the words and music of the parts of the liturgy that are sung by the choir.
  1. occurring, developing, moving, etc, in small stages
  2. not steep or abrupt
  1. (often capital) Christianity
    • an antiphon or group of several antiphons, usually from the Psalms, sung or recited immediately after the epistle at Mass
    • a book of plainsong containing the words and music of the parts of the Mass that are sung by the cantors and choir
Gradual (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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