Grange (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a country house or large farmhouse with its various farm buildings (usually in house names): Bulkeley Grange;the grange of a gentleman-farmer.
  2. (in historical use) an isolated farm, with its farmhouse and nearby buildings, belonging to monks or nuns or to a feudal lord: the nunnery's grange at Tisbury.
  3. See under Granger Movement.
  4. a barn or granary.
  1. U.S. football player.
  1. a farm, esp a farmhouse or country house with its various outbuildings
  2. an outlying farmhouse in which a religious establishment or feudal lord stored crops and tithes in kind
  3. a granary or barn
noun (in the US)
  1. an association of farmers that strongly influenced state legislatures in the late 19th century
  2. a lodge of this association
Grange (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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