Grape (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the edible, pulpy, smooth-skinned berry or fruit that grows in clusters on vines of the genus Vitis, and from which wine is made.
  2. any vine bearing this fruit.
  3. a dull, dark, purplish-red color.
  4. grapes, (used with a singular verb)Veterinary Pathology.
    • tuberculosis occurring in cattle, characterized by the internal formation of grapelike clusters, especially in the lungs.
    • tuberculosis occurring in horses, characterized by grapelike clusters on the fetlocks.
  5. grapeshot.
  6. wine.
  1. the fruit of the grapevine, which has a purple or green skin and sweet flesh: eaten raw, dried to make raisins, currants, or sultanas, or used for making wine
  2. any of various plants that bear grapelike fruit, such as the Oregon grape
  3. See grapevine (def. 1)
  4. the grape an informal term for wine
  5. See grapeshot
Grape (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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