Gravy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural gra·vies.
  1. the fat and juices that drip from cooking meat, often thickened, seasoned, flavored, etc., and used as a sauce for meat, potatoes, rice, etc.
  2. Slang.
    • profit or money easily obtained or received unexpectedly.
    • money illegally or dishonestly acquired, especially through graft.
  3. something advantageous or valuable that is received or obtained as a benefit beyond what is due or expected.
noun plural -vies
    • the juices that exude from meat during cooking
    • the sauce made by thickening and flavouring such juices
  1. money or gain acquired with little effort, esp above that needed for ordinary living
  2. wonderful; excellent
Gravy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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