Hang Up (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Slang.
  1. a preoccupation, fixation, or psychological block; complex: His hang-up is trying to outdo his brother.
  2. a source of annoying difficulty or burden; impediment; snag: The most serious hang-up the project has is a shortage of funds.
  3. a fixture, object, or decoration that can be affixed to a wall, ceiling, other objects, etc.: He brightened up the room with flower baskets and other hang-ups.
verb (adverb)
  1. to put on a hook, hanger, etc
  2. to replace (a telephone receiver) on its cradle at the end of a conversation, often breaking a conversation off abruptly
  3. to cause to have an emotional or psychological preoccupation or problem
noun hang-up informal
  1. an emotional or psychological preoccupation or problem
  2. a persistent cause of annoyance
Hang Up (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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