Hangout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Informal.
  1. a place where people gather for casual socializing or recreation: The pub is an ultracasual hangout, mostly frequented by undergraduates from the local university.
  2. a place that a person frequently visits, especially for socializing or recreation: The record store was one of my favorite neighborhood hangouts when I was a kid.
verb phrase hang out [hang-out] /ˈhæŋ ˈaʊt/ .
  1. to lean or be suspended through an opening: If you hang out the window that far, you're likely to fall right out!
  2. to suspend in open view; display: Her family hangs out the flag every day, not just on holidays.
  3. to frequent a particular place, especially in one's free time: We’ve all got friends who would rather hang out at a bookstore with a glass of wine than go clubbing.
  4. to linger or loiter somewhere:We’ve got nothing better to do, so we’ll probably just hang out.
  5. to spend time with someone:I’d love the chance to hang out with some like-minded folks.
  6. to wait, especially briefly: Hang out a minute while I get my backpack.
  7. to calm down: Hang out, Mom, I'm OK.
verb (adverb)
  1. to suspend, be suspended, or lean, esp from an opening, as for display or airing
  2. to live at or frequent a place
  3. to frequent the company (of someone)
  4. to relax completely in an unassuming way (esp in the phrase let it all hang out)
  5. to act or speak freely, in an open, cooperative, or indiscreet manner
noun hang-out
  1. a place where one lives or that one frequently visits
Hangout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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