Harrier (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who or thing that harries.
  2. any of several short-winged hawks of the genus Circus that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on reptiles and small birds and mammals.
  3. a one- or two-seat British-American fighter, both an attack and a reconnaissance aircraft, featuring a turbofan engine with a directable thrust that enables it to land and take off vertically.
  1. one of a breed of medium-sized hounds, used, usually in packs, in hunting.
  2. a cross-country runner.
  1. a person or thing that harries
  2. any diurnal bird of prey of the genus Circus, having broad wings and long legs and tail and typically preying on small terrestrial animals: family Accipitridae (hawks, etc)
  1. a smallish breed of hound used originally for hare-hunting
  2. a cross-country runner
  1. a British subsonic multipurpose military jet plane capable of vertical takeoff and landing by means of vectoring the engine thrust
Harrier (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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