Hiss (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object)
  1. to make or emit a sharp sound like that of the letter s prolonged, as a snake does, or as steam does when forced under pressure through a small opening.
  2. to express disapproval or contempt by making this sound: The audience hissed when the actor forgot his lines.
verb (used with object)
  1. to express disapproval of by hissing: The audience hissed the controversial play.
  2. to silence or drive away by hissing (usually followed by away, down, etc.): They hissed down the author when he tried to speak.
  3. to utter with a hiss.
  1. a hissing sound, especially one made in disapproval.
  1. U.S. public official, accused of espionage 1948 and imprisoned for perjury 1950–54.
  1. a voiceless fricative sound like that of a prolonged s
  2. such a sound uttered as an exclamation of derision, contempt, etc, esp by an audience or crowd
  3. receiver noise with a continuous spectrum, caused by thermal agitation, shot noise, etc
  1. an exclamation of derision or disapproval
  1. to produce or utter a hiss
  2. to express with a hiss, usually to indicate derision or anger
  3. to show derision or anger towards (a speaker, performer, etc) by hissing
  1. Alger. 1904–96, US government official: imprisoned (1950–54) for perjury in connection with alleged espionage activities
Hiss (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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