Holdout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act or instance of holding out.
  2. a person who delays signing a contract in hopes of gaining more favorable terms: The basketball star was a holdout until they offered more money.
  3. a person who declines to participate, cooperate, agree, etc.: Aside from one or two holdouts, everyone contributed.
verb (adverb)
  1. to offer or present
  2. to last or endure
  3. to continue to resist or stand firm, as a city under siege or a person refusing to succumb to persuasion
  4. to withhold (something due or expected)
  5. to wait patiently or uncompromisingly for (the fulfilment of one's demands)
  6. to delay in or keep from telling (a person) some new or important information
noun holdout US
  1. a person, country, organization, etc, that continues to resist or refuses to change
  2. a person, country, organization, etc, that declines to cooperate or participate
Holdout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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