Honorary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. given for honor only, without the usual requirements, duties, privileges, emoluments, etc.: The university presented the new governor with an honorary degree.
  2. holding a title or position conferred for honor only: an honorary president.
  3. (of an obligation) depending on one's honor for fulfillment.
  4. conferring or commemorating honor or distinction.
  5. given, made, or serving as a token of honor: an honorary gift.
adjective (usually prenominal)
    • (esp of a position, title, etc) held or given only as an honour, without the normal privileges or duties
    • (of a secretary, treasurer, etc) unpaid
  1. having such a position or title
  2. depending on honour rather than legal agreement
Honorary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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