Hydra (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural hy·dras, hy·drae [hahy-dree] /ˈhaɪ dri/ for 1-3.
  1. a water or marsh serpent with nine heads, each of which, if cut off, grew back as two; Hercules killed this serpent by cauterizing the necks as he cut off the heads.
  2. any freshwater polyp of the genus Hydra and related genera, having a cylindrical body with a ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth, and usually living attached to rocks, plants, etc., but also capable of detaching and floating in the water.
  3. a persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved.
  4. the Sea Serpent, a large southern constellation extending through 90° of the sky, being the longest of all constellations.
noun plural -dras or -drae (-driː)
  1. any solitary freshwater hydroid coelenterate of the genus Hydra, in which the body is a slender polyp with tentacles around the mouth
  2. a persistent trouble or evil
  1. a monster with nine heads, each of which, when struck off, was replaced by two new ones
noun Latin genitive Hydrae (ˈhaɪdriː)
  1. a very long faint constellation lying mainly in the S hemisphere and extending from near Virgo to Cancer
Plural hydras hydrae (drē)
    Hydra (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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