Hyperspace (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a Euclidean space of more than three dimensions.
  2. (in science fiction) a fantastical dimension in which the normal rules of space and time are altered, permitting extraordinary actions and events such as travel at speeds faster than light: As the spaceship entered hyperspace, we heard a loud screaming sound accompanied by intense vibration—and then nothing.
  3. links and their targets viewed collectively with reference to their organization, hierarchy, interrelationships, etc.: With this program you can build a naturally structured, tightly interlinked, and easily navigated hyperspace of educational material.Research on the internet often entails endless jumps through hyperspace, trying to sift good information from bad.
  1. space having more than three dimensions: often used to describe a multi-dimensional environment
  2. (in science fiction) a theoretical dimension within which conventional space-time relationship does not apply
Hyperspace (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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