Hyrax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural hy·rax·es, hy·ra·ces [hahy-ruh-seez]. /ˈhaɪ rəˌsiz/.
  1. any of several species of small mammals of the order Hyracoidea, of Africa and the Mediterranean region, having short legs, ears, and tail, and hooflike nails on the toes.
noun plural hyraxes or hyraces (ˈhaɪrəˌsiːz)
  1. any agile herbivorous mammal of the family Procaviidae and order Hyracoidea, of Africa and SW Asia, such as Procavia capensis (rock hyrax). They resemble rodents but have feet with hooflike toes
Hyrax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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