Important (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of much or great significance or consequence: an important event in world history.
  2. mattering much (usually followed by to): details important to a fair decision.
  3. entitled to more than ordinary consideration or notice: an important exception.
  4. prominent or large: He played an important part in national politics.
  5. of considerable influence or authority, as a person or position: an important scientist.
  6. having social position or distinction, as a person or family: important guests.
  7. pompous; pretentious: When speaking, he assumes an important attitude that offends his audience.
  8. importunate.
  1. of great significance or value; outstanding
  2. of social significance; notable; eminent; esteemed
  3. specially relevant or of great concern (to); valued highly (by)
  4. an obsolete word for importunate
Important (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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