Incendiary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. used or adapted for setting property on fire: incendiary bombs.
  2. of or relating to the criminal setting on fire of property.
  3. tending to arouse strife, sedition, etc.; inflammatory: incendiary speeches.
  4. tending to inflame the senses: an incendiary extravaganza of music and dance.
noun, plural in·cen·di·ar·ies.
  1. a person who deliberately sets fire to buildings or other property, as an arsonist.
  2. a shell, bomb, or grenade containing napalm, thermite, or some other substance that burns with an intense heat.
  3. a person who stirs up strife, sedition, etc.; an agitator.
  1. of or relating to the illegal burning of property, goods, etc
  2. tending to create strife, violence, etc; inflammatory
  3. (of a substance) capable of catching fire, causing fires, or burning readily
noun plural -aries
  1. a person who illegally sets fire to property, goods, etc; arsonist
  2. (esp formerly) a person who stirs up civil strife, violence, etc, for political reasons; agitator
  3. a bomb that is designed to start fires
  4. an incendiary substance, such as phosphorus
Incendiary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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