Incident (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an individual occurrence or event.
  2. a distinct piece of action, or an episode, as in a story or play.
  3. something that occurs casually in connection with something else.
  4. something appertaining or attaching to something else.
  5. an occurrence of seemingly minor importance, especially involving nations or factions between which relations are strained and sensitive, that can lead to serious consequences, as an outbreak of hostilities or a war: border incident; international incident.
  6. an embarrassing occurrence, especially of a social nature.
  1. likely or apt to happen (usually followed by to).
  2. naturally appertaining: hardships incident to the life of an explorer.
  3. conjoined or attaching, especially as subordinate to a principal thing.
  4. falling or striking on something, as light rays.
  1. a distinct or definite occurrence; event
  2. a minor, subsidiary, or related event or action
  3. a relatively insignificant event that might have serious consequences, esp in international politics
  4. a public disturbance
  5. the occurrence of something interesting or exciting
  1. related (to) or dependent (on)
  2. having a subsidiary or minor relationship (with)
  3. (esp of a beam of light or particles) arriving at or striking a surface
Incident (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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