Incomplete (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not complete; lacking some part.
  2. (of a forward pass) not completed; not caught by a receiver.
  3. noting a truss the panel points of which are not entirely connected so as to form a system of triangles.
  4. Logic, Philosophy.
    • (of an expression or symbol) meaningful only in a specific context.
    • (of a set of axioms) such that there is at least one true proposition (able to be formulated in terms of the basic ideas of a given system) that is not deducible from the set.
  1. a temporary grade indicating that a student has not fulfilled one or more of the essential requirements for a course: If I don't hand in my term paper for last semester's English course, the professor is going to change my incomplete to an F.
  1. not complete or finished
  2. not completely developed; imperfect
  3. logic
    • (of a formal theory) not so constructed that the addition of a non-theorem to the axioms renders it inconsistent
    • (of an expression) not having a reference of its own but requiring completion by another expression
Incomplete (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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