Indulgence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire.
  2. the state of being indulgent.
  3. indulgent allowance or tolerance.
  4. a catering to someone's mood or whim; humoring: The sick man demanded indulgence as his due.
  5. something indulged in: Her favorite indulgence was candy.
  6. a partial remission of the temporal punishment, especially purgatorial atonement, that is still due for a sin or sins after absolution.
  7. (in the reigns of Charles II and James II) a grant by the king to Protestant dissenters and Roman Catholics freeing them from certain penalties imposed, by legislation, because of their religion.
  8. an extension, through favor, of time for payment or performance.
verb (used with object), in·dul·genced, in·dul·genc·ing.
  1. to provide with an indulgence: an indulgenced pilgrimage to Rome.
  1. the act of indulging or state of being indulgent
  2. a pleasure, habit, etc, indulged in; extravagance
  3. liberal or tolerant treatment
  4. something granted as a favour or privilege
  5. a remission of the temporal punishment for sin after its guilt has been forgiven
  6. an extension of time granted as a favour for payment of a debt or as fulfilment of some other obligation
  7. a royal grant during the reigns of Charles II and James II of England giving Nonconformists and Roman Catholics a measure of religious freedom
verb (tr)
  1. to designate as providing indulgence
Indulgence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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