Infant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a child during the earliest period of their life, especially before they can walk; baby.
  2. a person who is not of full age, especially one who has not reached the age of 18 years; a minor.
  3. a beginner, as in experience or learning; novice: The new candidate is a political infant.
  4. anything in the first stage of existence or progress.
  1. of or relating to infants or infancy: infant years.
  2. being in infancy: an infant king.
  3. being in the earliest stage: an infant industry.
  4. of or relating to the legal state of infancy; minor.
  1. a child at the earliest stage of its life; baby
  2. law another word for minor (def. 10)
  3. a young schoolchild, usually under the age of seven
  4. a person who is beginning or inexperienced in an activity
  5. (modifier)
    • of or relating to young children or infancy
    • designed or intended for young children
  1. in an early stage of development; nascent
  2. of or relating to the legal status of infancy
Infant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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