Intensifier (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person or thing that intensifies.
  2. a word, especially an adverb, or other linguistic element that indicates, and usually increases, the degree of emphasis or force to be given to the element it modifies, as very or somewhat; intensive adverb.
  3. a ram-operated device for increasing hydraulic pressure.
  1. a person or thing that intensifies
  2. a word, esp an adjective or adverb, that has little semantic content of its own but that serves to intensify the meaning of the word or phrase that it modifies: awfully and up are intensifiers in the phrases awfully sorry and cluttered up
  3. a substance, esp one containing silver or uranium, used to increase the density of a photographic film or plate
Intensifier (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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