Interchange (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), in·ter·changed, in·ter·chang·ing.
  1. to put each in the place of the other: to interchange pieces of modular furniture.
  2. to cause (one thing) to change places with another; transpose.
  3. to give and receive (things) reciprocally; exchange: The twins interchanged clothes frequently.
  4. to cause to follow one another alternately; alternate: to interchange business cares with pleasures.
verb (used without object), in·ter·changed, in·ter·chang·ing.
  1. to occur by turns or in succession; alternate.
  2. to change places, as two persons or things, or as one with another.
  1. an act or instance of interchanging; reciprocal exchange: the interchange of commodities.
  2. a changing of places, as between two persons or things, or of one with another.
  3. alternation; alternate succession.
  4. a highway intersection consisting of a system of several different road levels arranged so that vehicles may move from one road to another without crossing the streams of traffic.
verb (ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒ)
  1. to change places or cause to change places; alternate; exchange; switch
noun (ˈɪntəˌtʃeɪndʒ)
  1. the act of interchanging; exchange or alternation
  2. a motorway junction of interconnecting roads and bridges designed to prevent streams of traffic crossing one another
Interchange (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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