Interleave (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), in·ter·leaved, in·ter·leav·ing.
  1. to provide blank leaves in (a book) for notes or written comments.
  2. to insert blank leaves between (the regular printed leaves).
  3. to insert something alternately and regularly between the pages or parts of: Interleave the eight-page form with carbon paper.
  4. to insert (material) alternately and regularly between the pages or parts of something else: Interleave carbon paper between the pages of the form.
  5. Computers.
    • to arrange (an operation) so that two or more programs, sets of instructions, etc., are performed in an alternating fashion.
    • to mix (data and control characters) in a single operation.
verb (tr)
  1. to intersperse (with), esp alternately, as the illustrations in a book (with protective leaves)
  2. to provide (a book) with blank leaves for notes, etc, or to protect illustrations
Interleave (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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