Introversion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act of introverting or the state of being introverted; a turning inward: intestinal introversion that will require surgery.
  2. the tendency or quality of being introverted: intellectual introversion characterizing the post-Reformation period.
  3. a disposition that is taxed by social engagement and energized by calm environments, resulting in the tendency to prefer quiet solitude.
  4. Psychology.
    • the act of directing one's interest inward or to things within the self.
    • the state of being concerned primarily with one's own thoughts and feelings rather than with the external environment.
  1. the directing of interest inwards towards one's own thoughts and feelings rather than towards the external world or making social contacts
  2. the turning inside out of a hollow organ or part
Introversion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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