Intrusion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act or instance of intruding.
  2. the state of being intruded.
  3. Law.
    • an illegal act of entering, seizing, or taking possession of another's property.
    • a wrongful entry after the determination of a particular estate, made before the remainderman or reversioner has entered.
  4. Geology.
    • emplacement of molten rock in preexisting rock.
    • plutonic rock emplaced in this manner.
    • a process analogous to magmatic intrusion, as the injection of a plug of salt into sedimentary rocks.
    • the matter forced in.
  1. the act or an instance of intruding; an unwelcome visit, interjection, etc
    • the movement of magma from within the earth's crust into spaces in the overlying strata to form igneous rock
    • any igneous rock formed in this way
  2. an unlawful entry onto land by a stranger after determination of a particular estate of freehold and before the remainderman or reversioner has made entry
    Intrusion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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