Inverse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. reversed in position, order, direction, or tendency.
  2. Mathematics.
    • (of a proportion) containing terms of which an increase in one results in a decrease in another. A term is said to be in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases).
    • of or relating to an inverse function.
  3. inverted; turned upside down.
  1. an inverted state or condition.
  2. something that is inverse; the direct opposite.
  3. Mathematics.
    • an element of an algebraic system, as a group, corresponding to a given element such that its product or sum with the given element is the identity element.
    • inverse function.
    • a point related to a given point so that it is situated on the same radius, extended if necessary, of a given circle or sphere and so that the product of the distances of the two points from the center equals the square of the radius of the circle or sphere.
    • the set of such inverses of the points of a given set, as the points on a curve.
verb (used with object), in·versed, in·vers·ing.
  1. to invert.
  1. opposite or contrary in effect, sequence, direction, etc
  2. maths
    • (of a relationship) containing two variables such that an increase in one results in a decrease in the other
    • (of an element) operating on a specified member of a set to produce the identity of the set: the additive inverse element of x is –x, the multiplicative inverse element of x is 1/x
  3. upside-down; inverted
  1. maths
  2. a categorial proposition derived from another by changing both the proposition and its subject from affirmative to negative, or vice versa, as all immortals are angels from no mortals are angels
      Inverse (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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