Invisible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not visible; not perceptible by the eye: invisible fluid.
  2. withdrawn from or out of sight; hidden: an invisible seam.
  3. not perceptible or discernible by the mind: invisible differences.
  4. not ordinarily found in financial statements or reflected in statistics or a listing: Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business.
  5. concealed from public knowledge.
  1. an invisible thing or being.
  2. the unseen or spiritual world.
  1. not visible; not able to be perceived by the eye
  2. concealed from sight; hidden
  3. not easily seen or noticed
  4. kept hidden from public view; secret; clandestine
  5. of or relating to services rather than goods in relation to the invisible balance
  1. an invisible item of trade; service
Invisible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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