Involve (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), in·volved, in·volv·ing.
  1. to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work.
  2. to engage or employ.
  3. to affect, as something within the scope of operation.
  4. to include, contain, or comprehend within itself or its scope.
  5. to bring into an intricate or complicated form or condition.
  6. to bring into difficulties (usually followed by with): The investigation discovered a plot to involve one nation in a war with another.
  7. to cause to be troublesomely associated or concerned, as in something embarrassing or unfavorable: Don't involve me in your quarrel!
  8. to combine inextricably (usually followed by with).
  9. to implicate, as in guilt or crime, or in any matter or affair.
  10. to engage the interests or emotions or commitment of: The professor involved many students in the disarmament movement.Her husband became involved with another woman.
  11. to preoccupy or absorb fully (usually used passively or reflexively): You are much too involved with the problem to see it clearly.
  12. to envelop or enfold, as if with a wrapping.
  13. to swallow up, engulf, or overwhelm.
    • to roll, surround, or shroud, as in a wrapping.
    • to roll up on itself; wind spirally; coil; wreathe.
verb (tr)
  1. to include or contain as a necessary part
  2. to have an effect on; spread to
  3. to concern or associate significantly
  4. to make complicated; tangle
  5. to wrap or surround
  6. to raise to a specified power
Involve (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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