Irreducible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not reducible; incapable of being reduced or of being diminished or simplified further: the irreducible minimum.
  2. incapable of being brought into a different condition or form.
  3. Mathematics.
    • of or relating to a polynomial that cannot be factored.
    • of or relating to a group that cannot be written as the direct product of two of its subgroups.
  1. not able to be reduced or lessened
  2. not able to be brought to a simpler or reduced form
  3. maths
    • (of a polynomial) unable to be factorized into polynomials of lower degree, as (x ² + 1)
    • (of a radical) incapable of being reduced to a rational expression, as √(x + 1)
Irreducible (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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