Irritate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), ir·ri·tat·ed, ir·ri·tat·ing.
  1. to excite to impatience or anger; annoy.
  2. to excite (a living system) to some characteristic action or function.
  3. to bring (a body part) to an abnormally excited or sensitive condition.
verb (used without object), ir·ri·tat·ed, ir·ri·tat·ing.
  1. to cause irritation or become irritated.
  1. to annoy or anger (someone)
  2. to stimulate (an organism or part) to respond in a characteristic manner
  3. to cause (a bodily organ or part) to become excessively stimulated, resulting in inflammation, tenderness, etc
Irritate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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