Isthmus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural isth·mus·es, isth·mi [is-mahy]. /ˈɪs maɪ/.
  1. a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land.
  2. a connecting, usually narrow, part, organ, or passage, especially when joining structures or cavities larger than itself.
  3. the narrow fleshy area between the sides of the lower jaw of a fish.
noun plural -muses or -mi (-maɪ)
  1. a narrow strip of land connecting two relatively large land areas
  2. anatomy
    • a narrow band of tissue connecting two larger parts of a structure
    • a narrow passage connecting two cavities
Plural isthmuses isthmi (ĭsmī′)
    Isthmus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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