Jealous (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (often followed by of): He was jealous of his rich brother.
  2. feeling resentment because of another's success, advantage, etc. (often followed by of): He was jealous of his brother's wealth.
  3. characterized by or proceeding from suspicious fears or envious resentment: a jealous rage; jealous intrigues.
  4. inclined to or troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims: a jealous husband.
  5. solicitous or vigilant in maintaining or guarding something: The American people are jealous of their freedom.
  6. intolerant of unfaithfulness or rivalry: The Lord is a jealous God.
  1. suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival
  2. resentful (of) or vindictive (towards), esp through envy
  3. possessive and watchful in the maintenance or protection (of)
  4. characterized by or resulting from jealousy
  5. demanding exclusive loyalty
  6. an obsolete word for zealous
Jealous (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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