Jingo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural jin·goes.
  1. a person who professes their patriotism loudly and excessively, favoring vigilant preparedness for war and an aggressive foreign policy; bellicose chauvinist.
  2. a Conservative supporter of British Prime Minister Disraeli's policy in Turkey during the period 1877–78.
  1. of jingoes.
  2. characterized by jingoism.
  1. (an exclamation used to emphasize the truth or importance of a foregoing statement, or to express astonishment, approval, etc.): I know you can do it, by jingo!
noun plural -goes
  1. a loud and bellicose patriot; chauvinist
  2. jingoism
  3. an exclamation of surprise
Jingo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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