Jumble (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), jum·bled, jum·bling.
  1. to mix in a confused mass; put or throw together without order: You've jumbled up all the cards.
  2. to confuse mentally; muddle.
verb (used without object), jum·bled, jum·bling.
  1. to be mixed together in a disorderly heap or mass.
  2. to meet or come together confusedly.
  1. a mixed or disordered heap or mass: a jumble of paper clips, rubber bands, and string.
  2. a confused mixture; medley.
  3. a state of confusion or disorder.
  4. a small, round, flat cake or cookie with a hole in the middle.
  1. to mingle (objects, papers, etc) in a state of disorder
  2. to remember in a confused form; muddle
  1. a disordered mass, state, etc
  2. articles donated for a jumble sale
  3. a small thin cake, usually ring-shaped
Jumble (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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